Version 2.6.9

New Features

  • Added top level aliases in the educates CLI for create-portal, list-portals and delete-portal, as well as aliases for session-status, extend-session and delete-session.

  • Any clickable action can now set a hidden property. The result of this is that the clickable action will be hidden from view in the workshop instructions. Not being visible a user will not be able to click on the action, however it can still be triggered automatically if autorestart property is set, or if it follows a clickable action which has cascade property set. For more details see Hiding clickable actions from view.

Features Changed

  • The educates project version sub command has been moved such that is now possible to use educates version instead to detemine the versions of Educates the CLI is for.

  • The educates cluster session terminate command has bee changed to be educates cluster session delete. An alias has been kept for terminate mapping to delete.

Bugs Fixed

  • When deploying a workshop to the local docker environment, a local image registry was being created if one didn’t exist, even though not strictly required. The registry will now not be created, but if the registry exists due to it being manually created using the educates CLI, or as the result of deploying a local Kubernetes environment using the CLI, the deployed workshop will be linked to the local image registry and a host entry injected so it can be accessed if required.

  • The educates CLI help strings were showing an options sub command which didn’t exist when it should have instead being directed users to use the --help option.